Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Avamay is hacked.

Warning to everyone. Avamay, one of EO's most trustworthy and respected users has been hacked. There's no way to tell who it is right now, and Avamay herself posted this on the forums. (see link below) In my opinion, it's a shame. She's a nice person, and deserves to have her account back.

Everyone should watch out, and stay away from buying accounts for awhile unless you have a good MM. Now that Avamay has been hacked there maybe an attempt to use her as a MM, and the hacked Avamay could scam them. If you remember them, (Nezlo and Avamay) they said they were done being MM, so if they say yes, decline.

Good luck to her and Nezlo.




Nez said...

Thank you for your post and support man :)

Avamay said...
